Karate referee: scoring techniques for KUMITE competition

Scoring techniques for KUMITE Competition
ITKF / Masters Course Text Nr. 3 - 1 July 1998

In documentul prezentat, Scoring techniques for KUMITE Competition, am pastrat limba originala in care a fost publicat initial pentru a transmite cat mai fidel nuantele si intelesul acestuia. 

ITKF / Masters Course Text Nr. 3 - 1 iulie 1998


  1. Recognized Techniques
  2. Unacceptable Technique
  3. Simplified Overview of Techniques Scoring



I. Hand Techniques:

  1. Must use total body power (remark: must have complete connection of body and arm, not separate)
  2. Power and direction of technique must be fully coordinated
  3. Elbow movement must exhibit extension of 45 degrees or more
  4. Technique must demonstrate adequate speed to qualify for "TODOME''
  5. Direction of technique must match the delivering of power
  6. Body movement, breathing and technique must reach focus simultaneously
  7. At moment of focus, both feet must be firmly in contact with floor (remark: foot contact exempted in case of ura-ken-uchi technique. Acceptable if one foot is making full contact while other foot has ball of foot making floor contact
  8. At end of technique, maximum pressure to floor
  9. At the precise end of a technique, there must be total body contraction
  10. At time of Kime,'there must be com plete balance as well
  11. Eyes must be focused on technique's target
  12. At the moment of KIME, technique's contact area must be strong
  13. Total body momentum continues through target after total body contraction; energy continues after deliver of technique; complete transmission of power
  14. Adequate “shocking power” rather than pushing or "snapping back” must be directed to target

II. Foot Techniques (KERI):

  1. Use correct hip pendulum or rotation action
  2. Sufficient knee snap or thrusting action (remark: minimum 90 degrees knee angle)
  3. Sole of supporting leg must be in complete contact with floor (remark: except in jump kick)
  4. Body momentum must be in same direction as technique.
  5. Contact area of foot technique must be strong (remark: no weak ankle or striking with toes)
  6. Must have strong balance at moment of KIME
  7. After KIME, must have enough snap back or thrust back



I. Hand Techniques:

  1. Only hand and arm movement, without body connection. (YOWAI)
  2. Body momentum in opposite direction of technique's direction. (NIGE)
  3. Elbow angle is less than 45 degrees. (FURI)
  4. Techique has inadequate speed. (YOWAI)
  5. Direction of technique does not match course of power. (YOWAI)
  6. Body movement and breathing do not coincide with moment of focus. (KIME)
  7. Both feet not in contact with floor, as in “heel up" position. (TACHI)
  8. Inadequate pressure to floor at moment of focus KIME. (YOWAI)
  9. Not enough total body contraction. (YOWAI)
  10. Lack of balance at moment of KIME. (YOWAI)
  11. Eye contact completely off technique's target. (YOWAI)
  12. Weak contact area at moment of KIME. (YOWAI) 
  13. Momentum cut short, resulting in loss of power. (YOWAI)
  14. Inadequate "shocking power" because of pushing or snap back action. (Snap back) (OSHI)


II. Foot Techniques (KERI):

  1. Weak or improper body action. (YOWAI)
  2. Not enough knee action (knee action less than 90 degrees). (YOWAI)
  3. Support foot not in complete contact with floor, as in heel up during kicking. (TACHI)
  4. Body action not in same direction as KERI. (NIGE)
  5. Foot weak at contact area of technique (ex: Weak ankle). (YOWAI)
  6. Lack of balance at moment of KIME. (YOWAI) 
  7. Not enough snap-back or pull-back after KIME. (FURI)



  1. Technique that is slightly less qualified is considered a WAZA-ARI. 
  2. IPPON must demonstrate ZAN-SHIN with full recognized technique. 



I. Hand Techniques:

  1. Poor arm-body connection at initiation of technique. (YOWAI)
  2. At time of KIME, not enough pressure to floor. (YOWAI)
  3. At time of kime, foot is bouncing on floor rather than connected. (SNAP-BACK)
  4.  a. At time of KIME, sole not leave floor except of SEO-ASHI and NEKO-ASHI. (TACHI)
     b. At KIME time, shifting weight to one side rather than keeping balanced power. (TACHI)
     c. At KIME time, moving knee joint. (TACHI)
  5. At time of KIME, correct alignment of posture is lost. (YOWAI)
  6. At time of KIME, body does not totally lock (contract). (YOWAI)
  7. At time of KIME, eye line not on target. (YOWAI)

II. Kicking Techniques:

  1. Not enough knee joint snap or extension. (at least 45 degrees). (FURI)
  2. Heel up at time of kicking. (TACHI)
  3. No snap back or pull-back. (TACHI)

Finalul documentului: Scoring techniques for kumite competition conform ITKF.

Gichin Funakoshi

Hidetaka Nishiyama

Vladimir Jorga

Ilija Jorga

Dan Stuparu


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